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Hear from your returning customers!

I was spending countless nights awake with my baby, often not sleeping, until I found Cozy Kub. The Cozy Kub lulls my baby into sleep within minutes, and doubles as a toy when I need it to. It's super easy to use, rechargeable, and has a soft silicone case to make sure their are no safety hazards around your children. I fully recommend this product and it's amazing quality for a low price.

The Cozy Kub has been a life change for me and my wife. We can now enjoy ourselves again and know that our baby is having a high-quality sleep and that the white noise is programming his brain to be as healthy as possible when it comes to sleep. All i can say is that it's got our lives back and I fully recommend any new parents buy this, it's a complete game changer.

I bought the Cozy Kub very skeptically and it is now the most loved and valued object in the house. My child absolutely adores it and it's the best tool for getting him to sleep and stay asleep at night. It's made our lives a thousand times better and I advise all new or even more experienced parents to get one. Well worth the $35.



All CozyKub™ products a backed with a 30 day money back guarantee and free shipping! We also offer a one year warranty for just $5!

CozyKub™ orders are fulfilled and then shipped to anywhere in the united states in an average 5-10 days.


The CozyKub™ features a baby-proof silicone cover that prevents all possible chewing and other dangerous hazards. The CozyKub™ can therefore double as a toy and is specifically made to be extremely durable to endure this.


The CozyKub™ can play White Noise along with a lullaby, stream, campfire, forest/birds, sea waves, crickets, rain and fetal sounds. All of this for only $34.99! Plus our other features...


The CozyKub™ can shine multiple different color variations of both the stars and moon in order to eliminate all fear your little one may experience in the dark.

White noise, like the gentle hum produced by our CozyKub, is a consistent sound signal that blankets the surrounding environment with soothing tones. Designed specifically for babies, CozyKub's white noise works by masking disruptive sounds, creating a serene atmosphere conducive to sleep. By mimicking the comforting sounds heard in the womb, CozyKub helps babies relax and settle into restful slumber more easily. Its consistent background noise not only promotes better sleep but also helps babies stay asleep longer, allowing both parents and babies to enjoy uninterrupted rest. Say goodbye to sleepless nights and hello to blissful sleep with CozyKub!


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